The road to Wicca

The craft speaks to a Wiccan of many years, Dede, about her views on the religion and how she believes satanic associations are down to ignorance.

To begin with, let us explain something about Paganism that you may not know… there are sections of it, Wicca being one of them. If you want to know more about the Pagan ‘hierarchy’, go here.

When we start the interview, Dede dives straight in to say that people find it appealing because you get to design your own path…she says there aren’t too many strict rules and this is why it appeals to most people.

pagans at stone henge

Once you have completed your year and a day of study, or have dedicated yourself either through ritual or other means, you usually begin to learn what strengths you have in the religion…for instance, you may be a better kitchen witch than a fire witch.

A kitchen witch may deal with making potions and growing the right ingredients, where as a fire witch may be used to summon fire in a coven or as a solitary practitioner.

This part of the religion, we find, is the most intriguing…because, before being introduced to this religion, we found that the only place we could be something so otherworldly was in fiction novels or our imagination!


Dede considers herself a moon witch, with strong ties to the sea and mainly worships Isis. As far as we know, you can worship as many Gods and Goddesses as you want…as many as you need, and that this religion is non gender-bias, as female Goddesses are seen as just as powerful as Gods.

Dede says she is aware that some of the Pagan beliefs seem a little far fetched….for example, elemental magic may seem impossible to some but she believes it depends on the person…how much imagination they have, what their calling is in the religion…

cropped-cropped-page-header-image1.pngAnother interesting point, before we go on to explore the way Pagans are seen socially, it to highlight that imagination plays a big part in how successful a Wiccan’s magik is…hence the year and a day study, in which you train yourself to be more focused and imaginative.

Now the social problems that some Pagans face;

The first is that some Pagans put up with unnecessary prejudice as it is not taught in mainstream R.E lessons, even though it is one of the oldest religions in England.

Dede says that it should not be forgotten, as many modern-day religions expanded on the initial Pagan belief systems.

Secondly – in regards to devil worship and black magik associations… she believes wicca is the complete opposite, because the worship is centred on nature, and that anyone under that impression that Wicca is evil is ignorant. She says it only takes a simple wiki search to find out otherwise.

She goes on to say that Karma a large part of Paganism, and that – even if you’re not religious or find some parts of Paganism far-fetched, – it’s a good mantra to live by…

Because this site is about the supernatural and unusual, we are going to tell you about her paranormal experiences and then leave it at that!

Hope you enjoyed the post, and if you want to know more just use the recommended reads below or comment.

Her experiences;

  • – Talked to her past lives
  • – Talked to ghosts
  • – Been lead to safety by her Goddess
  • – Some very unusual visions while sea swimming

Recommended reads;

Signed, THE CRAFT.

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